Simple Pleasures Of Life!

Hi all, its been a long time since we last met through my blog! Back again with another little thought that could help you realise some important aspects of this small life.

Since you all know that my parents are no longer with me, and it has been a very long journey for me without them. All the successes and failures, the ups and downs, moreover a tremendously changing lifestyle and leaving behind what we once cherished. How I remember those days especially my summer vacations, when my father would unannounced or even otherwise take us to a guy who sold ice cream and the only one in our locality. Since he had limited flavours and variety that is, vanilla and strawberry, me and my two brothers and sister would settle for vanilla flavour. That was truly divine, and a blessing too!

And once all of a sudden we decided to make homemade kulfis (Indian version of ice cream). The entire house ran little errands to make arrangements. Somebody bought a matka (earthen pot), one of us bought sea salt (which was hard to find) and little kulfi containers (to be able to set the kulfis in). Without forgetting the ice and a red cloth. We enjoyed the entire process while my mother reduced the milk infused with green cardamoms, pistachios, saffron and sugar; and then letting them set to the final stage when we could finally have them. Even our neighbours were delighted with the aroma. I still cannot forget how we accomplished this task and surprised my father in the evening. And trust me it has been the best one and cannot be beaten by these shop made ones! You should also try making some.

My love for sports increased manifold during these days, all my friends from different sectors would join us in the evening, and we would enjoy whole lot of games from football to volleyball, badminton to hockey, without failing to play cricket, which was our all time favourite! This was accompanied by all the mothers hanging in their balconies or staircase hooting and cheering endlessly and equally enjoying each game, or ball or over. This used to be a truly amazing sight absolutely unforgettable.

I remember my dad asking my mother what exactly did we like in those crunchy wafers, they seemed to my dad something out of the blue moon yet he never really revolted to our likes and dislikes, after all we were all apple of his eyes. To my, and I’m sure to even your surprise next day when he came back from office he had thought of a well planned surprise. Me and my mother while waiting for him in the balcony saw a big white box in his hands. I was curious to know as to what he had bought. Since there was no birthday in the house so the option of cake was ruled out, cookies were only of a limited variety and it was unaffordable for my father to bring a big box of cookies, so surely there were no cookies in it. What exactly did that box contain, my mind raced constantly, while I went down to escort him back home. When he sat down and after he had a glass of water my mother inquired as to what the box comprised of? My dad then summoned all four of us. Then we sat down and he gave the box to mom. She opened it and to this she was stunned to see four neat layers of crunchy wafers of different flavours, and exactly what we liked and wanted for our vacations. I still remember that joy and sense of satisfaction on my parents faces. And our endless screams and overjoyed reactions, truly made my parents day.

My summer vacations were always a treat for me because I looked forward to spending more time with my mother along with lots of talking, cooking and singing with her. You see, she sang, spoke and cooked very well and she was a great companion for all of us. So both of us and sometimes even my brothers and sister would join us while she cooked, we sang, played the harmonium and enjoyed inumerable life lessons from her. She used to play carom amd it was always a pleasure to see how she taught us the tricks to win. Our wait for my dad in the evening with our cups of tea and long hours of future discussions and always encouraging one another for their talents, were a perfect ending to a perfect day.

My sister has learnt a lot of art work and perfect mannerisms from my mother as she was a brilliantly poised lady and was a master when it came to such intricate art works. My sister and mother would tirelessly enjoy embroidery and painting together but what made my sister outstanding was that she never neglected her studies, while she was engaged in these works of art. Recently while I was talking to her, as usual we were having a long discussion and I realised that we have left a lot of things behind. Our children have only been exposed to the electronic media, and are missing out on a lot of little things that could make memories for them for their future. They are completely unaware of the struggles of working out things- because everything is just a call away, and they know nothing about simple pleasures of life because they have never seen them!

These days temperatures are booming up, parks remain empty, children are apprehensive about their futures and hence there is no time for play, adults are living a superficial life where money is more important but health and family are neglected; and nevertheless the lost essence of living a life to its fullest seems to be missing.

Doesn’t it bother you also? Don’t you too want to go back to the times that we have witnessed? Really do you? But your actions speak opposite. Get back to finding happiness and satisfaction from simple pleasures of life, simple things, some things that money can’t buy yet you can afford without much difficulty. Tune your lives to the old channel and dance to its tunes, enjoy the music and tranquility it brings along with it. But why? For a simple reason that its important for you (and you know why) and your family to witness some change in your lives, am I wrong?

Agreed? If agreed then I hope that you all have a lovely June! Do write to me if you find some aptness petaining to these changes… Keep smiling and keep looking for simple pleasures to keep yourselves happy! Till then enjoy the summers…


  1. sidatitsbest · June 22, 2017

    Stunning indeed, its the simple pleasures of life that we have forgotten to live by. Definitely an eye opener, thank you for those words of motivation! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • shalaish · June 22, 2017

      Thankyou so much! But unlike me u please don’t delayyour honest feedback because your views r much awaited.

      • shalaish · March 16, 2018

        Hi sidhanth! Hope all is well. It’s almost a year since u commented. Without your feedback i feel demotivted. Waiting eagerly to hear from you.

  2. sidatitsbest · March 16, 2018

    Hello dear sir! I have been well how about you?
    Yes, indeed it has been over a year since I last wrote, have been keeping really very busy. But I read all your posts. It motivates everyone so much, how can you get demotivated?
    My apologies for not being around! ๐Ÿ™‚

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